Skype’s new “MeetNow” will now be competing with the video conferencing company, Zoom.
The tech giants might have been a bit slow to respond to the recent explosion of online video conferencing, but they’ve got the resources to do it right. Microsoft has recently made changes to Skype that indicate the company is ready, willing, and ably compete for head to head with Zoom and video conferencing.
Among the recent changes Microsoft has rolled out is the new “MeetNow” feature on Skype. “MeetNow” resides in the system tray of Windows 10, allowing for one-touch convenience when setting up a recent video call. No need to log in. Just click the button, and “MeetNow” is off and running.
“MeetNow” is generating much buzz for Microsoft, and if you’d like to see it in action, and if you’re a Windows Insider, install a copy of Windows 10 Build 20221. Be sure to check out the company’s blog post about the build, which contains a complete list of newly enhanced functionality as well as a list of known issues with the new services.
Microsoft has also recently added a new feature to its “Your Phone” app, allowing users to pin important notifications to the top of the notifications feed. A small change, but a very good one.
In any case, Windows Insiders can get a sneak peek at the new functionality right now. Others will have to wait.