Final Adobe Flash Player Updates set for January 12th, 2021. Adobe took an essential step closer to the Flash Player’s end by releasing their final Flash Player update.
It will be a note with stronger language asking users to uninstall the app before its official end of life. It matters because no more security patches are coming, and it’s almost a given that additional security flaws will be found and increasingly exploited. If you’ve still got the Adobe Flash Player app installed on your machine, you’re not only putting your system at risk but if you connect to a corporate network, you’re putting the entire company at risk too.
At the end of the year, Adobe plans to push out a notification to all Adobe Flash Player users who still have the app installed, warning them again that the Flash Player software is nearing its end of life. However, of course, even that is unlikely to be sufficient to prompt everyone to uninstall. There’s bound to be a small subset of the Adobe Flash Player user base that will keep on using it until the last day and then forget to uninstall it, which will put untold numbers of systems and networks at risk.
If you own a company of any size, it pays to keep the date January 12th, 2021, firmly in mind. Be sure that your IT staff has a plan in place to check every PC and handheld device connected to your network uninstalls the Adobe Flash Player. For years, hackers have used Adobe Flash Player exploits to gain easy access to networks worldwide. Don’t let your company be their next target.