In today’s world of data breeches and security leaks, it’s important to protect your accounts with a strong password. While nothing is 100% safe, it’s important for people to learn how to create and maintain strong levels of protection for their accounts and data. When it comes to creating a strong password, IT professionals offer tips and tricks to make the strongest password available.
- The longer the better. It’s recommended that users create passwords at least 12 characters long with a combination
or capital letters, numbers, and symbols. If you want to use a phrase for your password, change out vowels to symbols or numbers or use random capital letters throughout. Gone are the days of using your dog’s name or a variation of the word ‘password.’ People looking to steal data don’t need long to figure out a password especially if it’s short and personal. Don’t use the same password on multiple accounts/sites. Forexample: FMZ&972HJE3L012@# - Consider using a string of words for your password without spaces. Remember to vary the letters with capitals of symbols. For
example: handsomethormarvelhammerdown could become h4andSom3th0rm4rV3lHammerD0w# - Password managers are your friend. Many password managers are great for storing passwords, suggesting strong passwords for websites and apps, and for encrypting the data so you only need to know 1 password to access all the rest of your passwords. Many, such as 1Password offers plugins for browsers so it can autofill the password and information when visiting a website you’ve added into the account. Whatever you do, make sure no one has access to your passwords. Don’t write them down and “hide” them at work or in the old coffee can up in the way back top shelf of your pantry.
- Opt for Multi-factor authentication when you can. That way if someone is able to crack your super strength password, the app, site, or program will have to send you a verification code via email, text, or phone call prior to you gaining access to the account.
- Embrace new and emerging technology that replaces passwords. Every year new tech is available to help move us along and biometrics
are quickly becoming a household way to secure your data. Have an iPhone? It likely uses your fingerprint or face to unlock and make data accessible. Running Windows? Check out the new fingerprint unlock feature which also offers a remote unlock feature when using with the fingerprint scanner on an Android smartphone.
Technologous is pleased to offer their Managed IT Services to help you by offering businesses of all sizes the IT solutions needed to grow and flourish. To learn more about Technologous and our different levels of Managed IT support, call us at 979-217-1226 or contact us for more information. Our business is ensuring your business runs without any glitches while keeping your tech secured and easily managed. We specialize in supporting you.